When my girls were younger, knowing a name was important to them. I remember trips to the zoo when the girls would see an animal they didn’t know and the first thing out of their mouths was, “What’s it called?” And I or Sheri would tell them – or we’d have to find out from the posted sign the name of this or that strange creature. When Abby or Emma would get a new doll or stuffed animal, the first thing they’d do is give it a name. Or even when reading a book with them, they would see the illustration of an animal or person in a book and before I could begin to read, they already wanted to know its name. Learning a name or giving a name gives the creature or the stuffed animal or the concept or person on the page of a book life - life in their minds.
When the Almighty God created all things, he spoke all creation into life by saying the name he had given it – “Light, sky, land, sea, creatures.” God spoke its name, and it had existence – it had life. Our God is a life-giving God through his Word. And he has done this to you. In baptism, you were given life by God and new-life by water and his Word. In Baptism, God gave you new life, by giving his name to you – “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” His spoken name connected to your spoken name in baptism gave you new life and new identity as God’s child, freed from slavery to sin and alive through the work of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early that first Easter morning. What was she thinking as she walked to the tomb? Certainly sorrow over Jesus’ death. St. John’s account of the Crucifixion says that she was there to see his death. Jesus was in fact dead – she was a witness. And if she truly believed that Jesus was not only the man from Nazareth, but also her Lord, the very Son of God, Yahweh, God of Israel – then her God was dead as well. She was without her God. And if her God was dead, then everything Jesus said and did really didn’t matter. His life ended in defeat. The horror of being without your God! She must have been absolutely crushed, in despair, without any hope. But as Mary approaches the tomb, she finds that it’s open! The stone is rolled away! So what does she do? She starts assuming – something we’re all very good at doing. Mary doesn’t even look in. Somebody has taken the body of Jesus! She panics and runs to tell the others. Not only is Jesus dead, but someone has desecrated his tomb. She returns with John and Peter, they have the good sense to at least look in. They find no body. And they go away.
So what’s there left to do? Just cry and weep and mourn. Jesus is dead, God is dead. And if God is dead, then I am too. Have you ever felt like that? Felt like God has abandoned you – causing you to question the existence of God and of Jesus. In the times when we are suffering and mourning, it’s easy to think that way. It’s easy to assume that God is dead and all these words of Scripture and all the stories are dead. And if God is dead, then we are dead. Mary doesn’t know it, yet but there’s Jesus – alive. She talks to him, but doesn’t recognize him – thinking him to be the gardener. And then, Jesus says her name, “Mary.” Jesus says her name, and everything changes. Jesus says her name, and gives her life again. Mary is alive again because her God - Jesus - is alive and with her here and now. She is no longer without her God. With a name - “Mary” - life is given and relationship is restored.
So when you feel like your God has abandoned you or you are questioning the existence of God and of Jesus during the dark times in your life or when the devil has a strangle-hold on you. Remember, your God has said your name and you have life. In baptism, he has attached himself to you. In baptism, you have died with Christ and have risen with Christ. You have a name, you have your God, he is alive again, and his name is Jesus Christ. And one day, he will call your name again. When he comes again, he will call your name and you will rise and join him in resurrection. And he will continue to be your God, not by faith, but by sight. Like Mary, Jesus will say your name and everything will change. You will have life – eternal life - because he knows your name and has called your name. And that eternal life in Christ starts today, and every day. Because Christ is risen, he is risen indeed. Amen.