Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Proclamation

John 1:1-14English Standard Version (ESV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.
The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to becomechildren of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

“Are You Ready for Christmas?”
John 1:1-14
December 25, 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“Are you ready for Christmas?”  I heard that question asked a number of times in the office hallway by various folks during the past two weeks.  I myself have been asked that question a number of times.  It’s a curious question.  A question that gets asked a lot during this season.  It’s not really a serious question.  More of a pleasantry during the time of Christmas.  It’s sort of on the same level as, “How are you?”  But I think the answer being sought – on the surface – is something like this: “As you finished preparing everything for the celebration of Christmas?”  In other words, are you finished decorating the house?  Are you finished with all of the baking you planned to do?  Are all of your Christmas gifts purchased?  Do you have all the food lined up for your Christmas feast?  Or maybe it’s something more like this: Something like: “Are you ready for some football?” ala ABC Monday Night Football title sequence.  One is preparation, the other is the excited expectation for what is about to happen.  We probably don’t think much beyond those types of responses for that question.  But is there more to this than first meets the eye?  Could “Are you ready for Christmas?” mean something more?
Israel wasn’t ready for Christmas.  They weren’t ready to receive their Messiah for who and what he is.  Because he wasn’t the kind of Messiah they were looking for.  They were ready for a strong and powerful Messiah who would come to do mighty works – saving them from political oppression - and make Israel a great nation and world power again – like in the days of King David and King Solomon.  A man, a prophet, John came to get the people ready by –as another John wrote in our Gospel lesson – “Coming as a witness, to bear witness about the light”  That is, the light shining in the darkness of our world – the Word who was with God and who was God.  John was to bear witness about the light so that all might believe.  But they did not.  They weren’t ready.  And when that true light came into the world – born in the flesh in Bethlehem – Israel didn’t receive him.  In fact, not long after Jesus’ birth, King Herod even tried to kill Him.  He through whom the world was made – the word of creation – had come into his creation and took on the flesh of creation – tangible, real, touchable, hearable, seeable – in other words – knowable by humanity.  And He came to His own, His own people, the chosen people of God – Israel.  But His own people didn’t receive Him.  It was like: Here’s the guest of honor at the party – but no one knew who He was – and most ignored Him – and then threw Him out.  No, Israel wasn’t ready.  They weren’t ready for Christmas.
But Jesus was ready for Christmas.  The light, the Word, Jesus of Nazareth was ready.  He came to do the will of the one who sent Him.  He came ready for the mission – the mission given him by His Father.  He came ready to be the Christ and all that being the Christ means – all that was foretold by the Prophets.  Not to be a glorious king like David or Solomon – making Israel a great nation and a world power again.  His was to be a different kind of glory.  THE GLORY OF THE CROSS – the reason for his coming – the reason for Christmas.  That glory doesn’t look at all like the kind of glory anyone would expect.  He didn’t look much like light shining in the darkness while dying on a cross.  But this was the will of the Father – that He come to pay the price for our refusal to know him.  He came to die for those who rejected him, those who hated him, those who killed him.  He came to die for a world that isn’t ready for Christmas at all.  And his glory – the cross is the glory of the only Son from the Father and full of grace and truth.  That, my brothers and sisters in Christ, is Christmas – the coming of our Savior to save the world – a world that rejects its Lord and God.
So are we ready for Christmas?  Being ready for Christmas isn’t what we usually think.  Christmas isn’t about getting ready by decorating and baking and gift purchasing and the like.  If not, then how do you and I get ready?  The season of Advent that we just finished was a season of preparation, of introspection, of repentance, of expectation.  All in preparation for the one who has come.  Those sorts of things are preparation – getting ready for Christmas.  But I really don’t know that we can be fully ready for Christmas.  How can we be possibly be ready for the King of kings and Lord of lords?  We poor miserable sinners have too much standing in the way for us to prepare for Him.  No, we can’t really prepare for Christmas.  No, we ARE PREPARED by Him.  We are prepared by Jesus.  
Are you ready for Christmas?  Listen again to John:
“He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.  But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.  Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”
He must prepare us.  We must be born of God.  Our Lord must prepare us by ending our lives as we know it and raising us to new life in Him.  We must die with Christ in baptism and be born to rise to new life with him just as he rises from the dead.  Christmas preparation is done TO us.  Being ready for Christmas began, not with decorations and cards and cookies, but in baptism – God’s Christmas gift to you.  Belief in the one who has come – in the flesh – and tabernacled, or tented among us – belief in Him is being ready for him – being ready for Christmas.  That’s the gift of God to you in Christ.
Are you ready for Christmas?  In Christ, you have been made ready for His coming, and His second coming.  He has come to bring you and me a Christmas gift – a precious, priceless gift – the gift of forgiveness, the gift of eternal life in His kingdom.  And that fact, is the true joy of Christmas – not just on December 25th, but for eternity.
A most blessed Christmas to each of you.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Can There Be Righteous Anger?

Is there such a thing as righteous anger?

Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs of Concordia Seminary very recently posted an essay on the subject.  He begins with thoughts worth quoting here:

"Finally, I am quite convinced that the United States of America in the twenty-first century is a profoundly angry culture, and in contemporary discourse anger (often labeled “outrage”) is almost regarded as a virtue. When someone with whom we agree “goes off on” someone with whose position we disagree, we applaud the anger, the belittling, the demeaning words. One factor that seems clearly (at least to me) to be at work behind the distressing number of shootings and mass murders in our country is the generally angry and violent tone of significant aspects of our culture. As Christians, if I am correct about this, we find ourselves living in an angry culture, and there is a great danger that the culture’s catechesis about anger will affect and infect the church."

Gibbs studied both the Old and New Testaments to find how the term "anger" or similar words are used, the context for their use, and the character exhibiting anger.  In nearly every case, the one exhibiting the anger is the Almighty God - and rightly so.

Gibbs' conclusion:

"I might highlight only one thing about this remarkable exhortation, and it is this: There is a place for anger, and for vengeance. But it does not belong to the disciples of Jesus; that prerogative belongs to God alone. As I heard someone say long ago, vengeance is too dangerous a weapon to be placed into the hands of sinners. This contrast is utterly consistent with how anger is portrayed, described, and mentioned in both the OT and the NT. Anger belongs to God, not to us humans—and especially not to the disciples of Jesus."

I commend his essay for your study.  Click here for the link

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Weakness is Strength

After the Supreme Court decision regarding so called, "same-sex marriage" was released, there were many voices speaking from all sides of the decision.  Some called the decision a victory.  Others called it a travesty.  Our own Synod President wrote an eloquent response.  Read it here.  While there will likely be continued legal challenges to the law, what is done is done.  Pandora's Box is wide-open.  The question for the Church is not, "How can we undo this?"  The question for the Church is, "Where do we go from here?"

The Church has enjoyed the favor of society for over 700 years.  The Roman Emperor Constantine ruled in Edict of Milan in 313 A.D..that Christians could freely and publicly practice their religion. And ever since, Christianity grew to dominate the Western World.  But since the 20th Century, that pride of place has slowly eroded - first in Europe - and we have watched that erosion continue in the United States.  Many call the SCOTUS decision the beginning of the end of the Church in America.  But I would say the Church has been on a slow slide downhill for decades.  It's just that now, that slope has gotten a lot steeper.

So, where do we go from here?

The Church should continue being the Church.  Our status in society has changed, but the mission of the Church has never changed.  We are to make disciples by baptizing and teaching.  Is that task going to be more difficult?  Absolutely.  But difficulty has often been a good thing for the Church.  The Church thrived and grew by leaps and bounds while she was being tortured and killed for sport in the Roman amphitheaters.  The Church is an enigma - she grows while suffering through hard times and she fades while enjoying peace and prosperity.  But that's the way the Kingdom of God works - when weak, it is strong.  Just as when Christ was weak and dying on the cross, he showed the power of God to the world.

I think the time of speaking to the entire society as a whole with a recognized authority is over.  The Church will now have the task of doing what she does best, speaking the truth in love with humility. Speaking law and Gospel, proclaiming Christ crucified for sinners to the individual - one at a time, even to those who would destroy her.

We can take comfort in our Lord's words:

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.  

Monday, February 16, 2015

What is Lent All About?

A great video from Concordia Publishing House that helps us understand the purpose of the season of Lent:

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Joyous Feast

"The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ?  The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ."
1 Corinthians 10:16

When I was a child, I remember watching people coming back from communion with expressionless faces.  They weren't sad.  But they didn't really look happy either.  I didn't understand then, but, thinking on it today, I believe they were just being reverent.  They were being respectful of the context of worship and the reality of God's presence.  They were also being very German!

I still see it today.  I now see it from a different perspective.  As I now stand behind the rail as one distributing the Sacrament, I see our members approach the altar in a pious, reverent manner.  I do believe that is a proper approach to the altar of our Lord.  We are coming forward as ones recognizing the ominous reality of our sin.  We truly are sinners. But we are sinners coming to our Lord for mercy.  Like a child coming to a parent to confess a wrongdoing, we come with the burden of our sin written on our faces.

But what about when we return from the altar?  I often still see the same face.  Reverent of course.  But why is their not joy?  Should their not be joy?  

What just happened here?

Think about it: you just received the body and blood of your Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in with and under the bread and wine you just ate and drank.  In the mysterious paradox of the Sacrament, you just consumed Jesus as he has promised: "Take and eat, this is my body given for you.  Take and drink, this is my blood shed for you for the forgiveness of your sin."  

You just consumed the body of blood of the very same Jesus you heard about in the readings from Scripture today.  You just consumed the body and blood of the very same Jesus you just heard proclaimed in the sermon.  This is the very same Jesus who rose from the dead some 2000 years ago and has promised to be right here, right now, for you and everyone else at this altar.  Your Lord promises to strengthen your faith with this meal - helping you to live your new-creation life out in a world groaning for its Lord to return and make all things right and new.  You just shared this meal with your fellow members of the body of Christ in this place - joining you to them in a closer reality than to your own biological brothers and sisters.  You just ate a foretaste of the feast to come - a foretaste of the post-resurrection life into eternity that is yours right now in Christ.  All of this and much more than we can fathom has just happened in this few brief moments of eating and drinking!

I think, that, after receiving the Lord's Supper, it is quite okay, good right, and salutary to crack a smile on your way back to the pew.  I think it would be quite alright to give a fellow child of God a hug or even a handshake.  Because an amazing, divine thing of pure good news and joy has just happened - changing your life forever.   

And you get to do this every week!

Monday, January 5, 2015

What is Epiphany?

The 12 Days of Christmas end today.  What's next?  Epiphany!
What is the church season of Epiphany all about?