Thursday, December 29, 2016

History Repeats Itself

First, a blessed Christmas to each of you.

I want to share something that I experienced Christmas Eve.  While just a simple flashback, it became a profound moment for me of history repeating itself.


That was the word that started it all.


I struggled to pronounce that name, almost 40 years ago.  That Christmas Eve, my family and two other families at my home congregation, St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, were tasked with leading the family service.  My job, and I remember it clearly, was to read the Gospel Lesson: Luke 2.  My parents had given me a copy of the Bible - "The Children's Bible" - as a gift and I was to read the account of the birth of Jesus from it.  I practiced and practiced in preparation for the big day.  But Quirinius - the governor of Syria - his name was a tough one.  I kept stumbling over it.  I don't remember if I was successful reading that name on Christmas Eve, but I remember the struggle.

But that was 40 years ago.  And now, on this Christmas Eve in the Year of our Lord 2016, I was in front of another congregation, Hope Lutheran Church in Friendswood, TX - the congregation for which I serve as pastor.  I was reading the account of the birth of Jesus once more - at a Christmas Eve family service.  As I read the word "Quirinius" in verse 2, I suddenly remembered, and I was that little boy all over again, trying to read the sacred words of Luke 2 among the gathered people of God.

History repeated itself.

And history does repeat itself, every time the words of the story of Christ are read, that history comes to life once again within the hearts and minds of those who struggle to follow in the path of their Lord.  That's what happens when His Word is read and proclaimed, Christ happens again and again - history repeats itself.

I pray that history continues to repeat itself - Christ coming to you again and again as you hear His Word, participate in His Sacraments, experience His love and mercy through the love and mercy of fellow believers.

Have a blessed Christmas and happy New Year.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Foretaste

First, happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.  May you find time to recall how your Lord has blessed you this past year.

Second, something to think about:

We often hear of the Lord's Supper as a "foretaste of the feast to come."  Which it is; it is a foretaste of the feast we will enjoy with our Lord in the new heavens and new earth He has promised.

But something can also be said for your Thanksgiving dinner this evening.  It is also a foretaste of the feast to come.  Not in the same manner as the Lord's Supper.  No forgiveness or eternal life or strengthening of faith is offered through turkey and dressing and such.  But you can think of it as a foretaste.

From Isaiah 25:

On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples
    a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine,
    of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined.
And he will swallow up on this mountain
    the covering that is cast over all peoples,
    the veil that is spread over all nations.
    He will swallow up death forever;
and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces,
    and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth,
    for the Lord has spoken.
It will be said on that day,
    “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.
    This is the Lord; we have waited for him;
    let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”

Isaiah was seeing into that day when our Lord returns - when He will swallow up death forever on the Day of Resurrection.  He was seeing God's people gathered together for an amazing feast of thanksgiving for what their God has done for them.

Hopefully, you will be gathered together with those you love - a gathering of God's people.
Hopefully, you will be feasting on rich food and drinking well-aged wine (I recommend it 😁)
Hopefully, you will remember that your God has saved you through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hopefully, you will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.

Make this meal today a foretaste - just a taste, just a glimpse - of the one that will come.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Citizens of the Kingdom

I preached this sermon a couple of years ago.  I thought it appropriate on this election day.  The text is Romans 13:1-10.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It was difficult to watch the warzone now known to the world as Ferguson, MO.  It was difficult for me because Ferguson is a community of the greater St. Louis area – the place I consider home.  Businesses looted at will, fires, general mayhem – throw military vehicles into it, and it just doesn’t look or feel right at all.  It’s all wrong.  This isn’t the way daily life in America is supposed to be.  That’s probably why every form of mass media invaded Ferguson – which, in reality, only made it worse and fueled the fire even more.  A police officer who happened to be white shot, and killed a young man who happened to be black.  And tensions and issues about government, race, and justice exploded.  Everything was exploited.  Everything was a mess.  “No justice, no peace!”  “Hands up, don’t shoot!”  The privilege to peaceably assemble and the right of government to keep order and peace all collided, and we’re still trying to sort it out.  But graciously, the media has moved on.  The media is no place for a trial.  The media doesn’t bring peace and order.  So now - if everything works the way it’s supposed to - the governing authorities and the citizens of Ferguson will do the hard work of putting the pieces back together, make sure justice is served righteous manner, and find a way to live in peace.
Government.  That’s almost become a dirty word in America today.  How big should government be?  How small should it be?  What programs should government run or not run?  How do we deal with corruption?  How much function, or dis-function is right?  Taxes – how much and for what?  I wouldn’t call this a national “conversation” right now – more like an argument.  Why is Pastor Jon talking about this from the pulpit?  Because Paul is saying something about government in our text for today.  But he doesn’t answer any of those questions.  Paul doesn’t talk about the structure and machinations of government.  But he does talk about the authority and purpose of government – and our responsibility to the government.  All authority is God’s.  No matter what we think – which being the sinners we are, we think we have all authority – all authority over creation is God’s.  In fact, Jesus is the one who has that authority.  End of the Gospel according to Matthew: “All authority under heaven and earth has been given to me.”  So Paul writes:
“For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”        

Do you get what Paul is saying here?  Government has been instituted by God.  Not just one, or a few, special nations – ALL governing authorities around the globe have been instituted by God.  And remember when Paul is writing this – during the rule of the Roman Empire.  Nero was probably the emperor at the time – hardly an example of righteous, benevolent governance!  What about tyrannical governments today around the world?  Are they instituted by God?  Yes.  But those given the authority of government are not exercising their office in a just, lawful manner.  Despite all this Paul says, “Be subject to the governing authorities.  They are instituted by God for your good.  Whoever resists them, resists God himself – and if you do resist, expect judgment.  So you don’t want to live in fear?  Do what is lawful and good, and the government will leave you alone.  Are you doing something against the law?  Be afraid, for he doesn’t bear the sword in vain.  Government carries out the wrath and vengeance of God.” 
Let’s apply all of that to the real world in Ferguson.  Our constitution gives its citizens the privilege to peaceably assemble.  Peaceful demonstrations against our own government are permitted.  This is a good thing!  But what if they aren’t done in a peaceful way?  Paul says, government has the right to maintain peace and order.  It is their God-given right, in fact duty, to maintain peace and order, and those that do wrong – arson, looting, etc., should expect to be punished.  I talked to my parents, who live in the St. Louis area – much closer than we are.  The vast majority of the looting and general mayhem and chaos was committed by thugs and gang members from outside of Ferguson.  They were just taking advantage of a bad situation and making it much worse.  In fact, some citizens were standing in front of businesses ready to defend them!  Now we can question the tactics used by Ferguson police.  But however poorly, and despite appearances, government was trying to work in its God-ordained way.  And if it does work properly, then investigations will continue, and hopefully, there will be a conclusion – with justice properly executed for everyone.
What do we do?  What’s the Christian response?  Our response is one of thanks, love, and service.  Christ is risen from the dead.  He has died and has risen for the sins of the whole world including you.  In baptism and by faith, you have been connected to the death and resurrection of Jesus – dying to sin and rising to new life.  By the authority of Christ, you are declared a new creation – something you cannot do by your own choice or will.  You are now a citizen of his kingdom – his rule and reign – which is a kingdom of grace and love.  And at the same time, you also live as a citizen in another kingdom – the kingdom of this world – you have been placed by God to live in this time and this place.  And in appreciation and in response to what God has done for you, the believer in Jesus strives to conform to the will of God – love for God and love for neighbor.  God has graciously given us government so that we might live in peace and civil order.  So what are we to do with government?  Paul just told us.  Live peacefully, orderly, doing good, pay taxes that are due, pay honor where it is due, and government will approve and leave you alone..  
In other words, be a good citizen!  Live a life of love for your neighbor.  Love – that’s a challenging word for us.  It’s not always easy to love.  Look at Ferguson!  But we are bound by the debt of love even in cases where the government does things that we do not agree with.  That’s not easy to do.  But exercise your vocation of citizen.  Vote!  Participate!  And as a Christian, we have an additional duty – to be a prophetic voice – a correcting voice – where the actions of government don’t conform to the order God has given us in his creation.  Where government does wrong – truly against the Word of God, we are to speak up.  And many before us have been martyred for being such a witness – for example: dying rather than worship the Roman emperor as God.

Is all of this easy?  Absolutely not.  We live tension – the tension of being a responsible citizen in TWO kingdoms – by grace, a citizen of the kingdom God in Christ; and at the same time, a citizen of the society in which we have been placed by God.  But despite the good or the not so good that happens, we live this life in hope – hope for the final and total manifestation of the kingdom of God that will be revealed when our Lord comes to make all things right and just and new.

Until that day, be good citizens – work, serve, and love where you have been placed – as a living witness of the one who has all authority under heaven and earth – Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.      

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare

When most people think of demon possession, their thoughts immediately go to images from the movie, "The Exorcist."  Hollywood has a way of making lives and events and history more fantastic and extraordinary than they really are.  But that's Hollywood.  What about reality?  Is demon possession real?  What does it look like?  Or can it be explained through our knowledge of science and medicine and psychology?

There really hasn't been much written on the subject, particularly in Lutheran circles, until recently.
Robert H. Bennett has done some work on the subject.  He is the Executive Director of Luther Academy, and Adjunct Professor of Missiology and International Missions Specialist at Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana.  Bennett has written two books exploring this topic.  The first is I Am Not Afraid - Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare, True Accounts from the Lutheran Church of Madagascar.  Published in 2013, the book is an account of his time spent among the Malagasy Lutheran Church - where demon possession and spiritual warfare are a nearly everyday reality for the Church. He also included helps for recognizing the work of demonic forces in our world and aids for the conduct of our own warfare against the demonic - the focus of which is upon Christ - His power, not ours.

Bennett also wrote a follow-up work: Afraid - Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare in America.  Using real-life stories and examples, Bennett shares demonic encounters happening here in these United States today.  Most important, he provides the remedy: God's grace in the Word of God and the power of Jesus Christ over the forces of the devil.  Satan is our old evil foe.  But the Father of Lies has been defeated through Christ's death and resurrection.  He is a fallen foe.  And Christ's victory is ours.

I found both works very enlightening, and very helpful - both for myself and for my ministry among God's people.  I have already encountered a case of what was likely "demon oppression" (I stop short of calling it demon "possession.)  And Bennett's guidance with respect to what exorcism really is and how it works (Biblical and entirely unlike the Roman Catholic Rite) was pivotal in the care of that individual.  Bennett pointed me towards hymns of an exorcistic nature within our own hymnal (ever heard of "A Mighty Fortress is our God"?), the liturgy as exorcism, Scripture readings that are exorcistic, and prayers as well.  Between both books, we Lutherans have the beginning of a "manual" for exorcism.  I highly recommend both books for both pastors and laypersons.  

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sermon at Sunrise

Resurrection of our Lord c Sunrise
“He is Risen Indeed”
John 20:1-18
March 27, 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The man that Peter and John and the other Apostles followed had done great things.  The man that Mary Magdalene and a number of others followed had done great things.  Jesus of Nazareth did things, miraculous things, things that only God can do.  He preached with authority and not like the scribes and Pharisees.  He talked about the coming of the Kingdom of God and all that it meant.  He talked about himself as the way, the truth, and the life.  He talked about himself as the resurrection and the life.  But now, he’s dead.  Their leader is dead.  Now what?  What’s next for us?  Are they going to come looking for us too?  Are we going to be flogged and crucified just like Jesus?  We just don’t know.  And that’s just it, isn’t it?  The “not knowing,” the uncertainty.  It’s just the worst.  Now, there’s the good kind of uncertainty: uncertainty and suspense of a book or a movie – that kind of uncertainty we can live with – even find some pleasure in it.  Then there’s the uncertainty that doesn’t feel so good – the unknowns in our lives that aren’t so pleasurable.  Financial uncertainty: we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future with the stock market or the price of oil.  Am I going to have a job next year?  Next week?  Political uncertainty: Who is going to be the next president?  Relationship uncertainty: What’s going to happen to my children?  Are they going to do well in school and get a decent job?  Are they going to make it home safely tonight?  Is my relationship with my spouse going to stay strong for years to come?  Is my relationship going to get any better at all?  Is my health going to improve?  All these uncertainties in our lives.  Then there’s those big picture uncertainties: How long do I have?  What happens when we die?  Is there even a God at all?  What does he think of me?  What does all of this uncertainty do to us?  We really don’t like not-knowing-what’s-next in our lives.  Uncertainty can fill us with anxiety and fear – leading to despair: “What am I going to do?  What next?”
And that’s where Mary was on that Sunday morning – filled with uncertainty and in despair about it all.  She’s in such a state of uncertainty and despair, she can’t really see what’s really going on.  In John’s account, Mary Magdalene is the first to return to the tomb.  She’s sees the tomb has been opened.  But what does she think?  Does she remember the three times Jesus said he would die and then rise from the dead?  No!  She runs away.  She can’t see clearly.  She’s blinded by her uncertainty.  She tells the others her own interpretation of what she just saw: "Somebody has taken our Lord away!" It must be a tomb robber.  Peter and John go and check it out.  Our text says that John “saw and believed.”  But believed what?  The next verse says, “for as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that he must rise from the dead.”  They leave – still uncertain of what had happened.  
Mary sticks around – sobbing – looks into the tomb again and sees two angels!  That doesn’t happen very often!  That should have told her something amazing and divine was happening right now.  But she still thinks Jesus is still dead and his body has been stolen.  She turns away from the tomb and sees Jesus standing right in front of her.  Again, her fear and uncertainty causes her to misinterpret again: this guy must be the gardener.  Maybe he knows what happened.  But Jesus says a word, her name, and all the uncertainty goes away.  She finally sees correctly.  She sees Jesus for who he really is – her Lord risen from the dead.  And that fact – that indisputable fact changes everything.  With a word to Mary, Jesus brings certainty to all the uncertainty and misinterpretation in her life.  Jesus isn’t just risen.  He is risen indeed!
So what now?  For Mary Magdalene and the disciples, their lives were transformed by the resurrection of Jesus.  What about your life?  Is your life transformed by the resurrection of Jesus?  What about that laundry list of uncertainties I talked about earlier?  What about all the uncertainties in your life?  You know what you’re uncertain about.  So, what difference do the words “Christ is risen indeed” make in your everyday life?  
John writes these words at the end of this chapter:
“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

The words of this text, the whole of John chapter 20, the whole the four Gospels, even the entirety of the Holy Scriptures are a word from your God to you to bring certainty to your life.  Because with that word, we know beyond a doubt, that Christ is risen from a dead.  And because he is risen from the dead there IS certainty in your life.  Because Christ is risen from the dead, you know that all his promises are true, because they have already come true.  He really is the Son of God.  Because Christ is risen from the dead, you know that Christ is victorious for you over sin and death itself.  You know that there is a God who actually loves you.  And because Christ is risen from the dead, you know that, because he is risen, you will also rise from the dead.  It’s as good as if it has already happened.  And it has already happened.  In your baptism, where your Lord has called you by name, there you have already died and risen from the dead in Christ.  Because Christ is risen from the dead, you are already living your eternal life – a life that never ends with your savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The uncertainties of our fallen world will continue to plague you and me.  We have no crystal ball.  We can’t see what’s going to happen later on today or tomorrow or next year.  We can be blinded by uncertainty, misinterpretation, and lack of trust.  But because we are fallen creatures in a fallen world, there is a certainty that does stick with us: death.  I heard a story a long time ago about a graveside “ceremony” in the former Soviet Union.  There was no clergy – officially.  But a former Russian Orthodox priest was there.  People eulogized the deceased person.  But that didn’t do much.  There was no real comfort to be found in memories.  The talking about the deceased slowed to a stop and then – silence – everyone was about to walk away.  Then that priest spoke just three words – illegal words in the Soviet Union – but just three words that actually brought comfort, peace, and certainty to those in mourning surrounding that casket.  He boldly said, “Christ is risen!”  And that was enough.  Everyone understood and took comfort in the certainty of those words.

There are many uncertainties in our lives, but there is an even greater promise in your life: the fact that Christ is risen.  When facing all the uncertainty and suffering and pain in our lives - and even death, those three words are enough.  Those three words are a confession of faith – a trust – a trust in what your God has already done for you and even more importantly, hope in what He will one day do to you.  They are life changing, cosmos shaking words – a rock on which we can stand in the middle of our lives of uncertainty on shaky sand.  We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but one thing we do know with unshakable certainty: Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Amen.