I have been seeing commericals on either Discovery Channel or History Channel (I can't remember which) for a program coming up called "Who Killed Jesus?" Based upon the commerical, it sounds like the program will explore all the possible historical figures from the crucifixion narrative and decide who is the one or ones who are responsible for killing Jesus.
But that's just like society and the media today. We always want to know who is responsible. "Who's responsible?" "Who is guilty of this?" We have to find someone to blame for all the bad things that happen in our world. I suppose so that justice might be had.
So in this case, who killed Jesus? Well in the narrative, the Jewish religious establishment was out to get Jesus for some time. They were the ones that went to find him in the garden and arrest him. They must be to blame. Pilate, the Roman Governor believed Jesus to be innocent. But he gave into the crowds and permitted Jesus to be crucified. He must be to blame. The Roman soldiers mocked him, whipped him, and carried out the crucifixion order. So they must be to blame. But ultimately, who is to blame? Who killed Jesus?
God killed Jesus. He permitted all these events to happen and to come to fruition at the right time. God permitted the death of the Son of God at the hand of the very sinners he was sent to save. Our sin killed Jesus. We are the reason he died. To save each one of us from eternal death. He was separated from God so that we might be joined back to God. We always look to blame someone else for what we have done. But look at what the Son of God has done for you!
Update: I saw a bit of the program last night, entitled "Who Framed Jesus?" Different title than what I was thinking, yet the same idea.