Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Moment

Today, I was thinking about what the first moment of the Resurrection of all flesh when Christ returns will be like(which is trying to imagine the unimaginable). This is what I thought of today:

The moment might be like the first breath of Adam as he breathed in the sweet, fresh air of a brand-new world and universe created just for him. And then, the next moment will be like that breathless but incredibly satisfying moment just after the orchestra has triumphantly played the final chord and that deeply satisfying, wonderful chord is still resonating through the concert hall and remains with you in your mind - that moment will be the moment when you see your Savior Jesus for the first time with your own eyes and just begin to experience the fact that the joy promised throughout the Scriptures and believed by you in faith has now become a new, physical reality. This will be a moment that, in that forgotten time before, would have brought tears of joy to anyone, but now produces that huge smile you get as you begin to laugh.

...So we pray today, "Come Lord Jesus."

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