Saturday, January 21, 2017

"Nothing New Under the Sun"

Our 45th President was sworn into office yesterday.  Many cheered and rejoiced.  Many were not so joyous.  Some protested, which is their Constitutional right to do so.  Some caused violence, which is never righteous, nor a right of citizenship.  Violence and mayhem do not help anything, save to prove the cowardice of the perpetrator.

I have heard and seen through media channels how difficult a time some people are having with the reality of a new administration.  But a change of power is nothing new.  Perhaps it's because the change was so dramatic and gap so large between the Obama Administration and the new Trump Administration.  But something to remember: when you swing a pendulum so far to the left, you can count on that pendulum swinging just as far to the right.

King Solomon, the wisest man ever, wrote: "There is nothing new under the sun. " (Ecclesiastes 1:9)  Presidents will come and go.  Presidents are not God, nor do they have divine powers.  So where will you put your trust?  In the Obama?  In the Trump?  To do so is foolish and striving after wind.

Some wise words were posted yesterday by a professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs.  They are a helpful reminder to all of us:

"Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush2, Obama, Trump. All smart and gifted. All deeply, deeply flawed. None able to do as much damage as their enemies feared, nor as much good as their allies hoped. May God protect innocent lives, and bring humility to all. Thank you, and now go find a way to love your neighbor."

Let's keep our eye on the ball - on what's really important.  God is still in His heaven and loves us more than we can imagine.  He's got this.  So you, go love you neighbor.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Music in the Air

Every early Sunday morning, during the short drive from home to parish, I listen to the same radio program: "On Being" with Krista Tippett.  She brings on various guest to talk about and contemplate religion and spirituality.  Rarely, she may have a Christian guest.  Most are from all the other world religions, religions of their own creation, or people from the realm of science (which can itself be worshiped as a god.
This past Sunday, I listened to a fascinating discussion she was having with a acoustic ecologist - one who listens to, records, and studies the sounds of nature.  He stated a fascinating fact: one would think that our human hearing was most sensitive to the frequency range of human speech.

It isn't.

Our hearing is most sensitive to the frequency range of 4-5 kilohertz.  And what sounds happen to be in that range: bird song.

His hypothesis: human hearing has "evolved" to be most sensitive to the frequency of birdsong because where the birds are, resources for life may be found: food, shelter, etc.

My hypothesis: I would add to the good ecologist's hypothesis this: God created our hearing to be most sensitive in that range so that we might hear the beauty of their song.  Purely for our enjoyment. Purely to hear the goodness of our Creator.

You can hear the interview for yourself here.