Thursday, February 16, 2012

The State Overstepping Its Bounds

Today, Rev. Matthew Harrison, President of our Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, testified on Capitol Hill. It is rare for faith-based organizations to testify before Congress. But today was one of those days. He did so because the Federal Government is overstepping its bounds. Here is a video of his testimony:

The Founding Fathers of this great nation understood the dangers of government. That's why we have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights - to limit the extent to which government may enter the lives and consciences of the people. Many of our forefathers came to this nation for, among other things, the freedom to practice and live out their faith in the world. The government has overstepped its bounds with regard to making religious organizations pay for birth control for its workers, specifically, birth control medications that destroy the beginning of a new human life. The Church should be able to live according to its conscience. The United States Constitution says so. I love President Harrison's last quote of Luther - that there room in the conscience only for God, not the state.

I believe the big picture behind all of this is the desire of a generation to be able to have sexual intercourse with whomever they choose - without any responsibility or consequence of action. It has now become a cultural "ideal" to the point of legislating that "right." That is the driving force behind this. That generation's legacy will be thus: the demanding and legislating of "free love" to the point of destroying a culture for future generations.

Truly sad indeed.

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